Android TV File Manager

There are plenty of File mangers available for Android phones or touch screens. Unfortunately, you can’t use those file mangers on Android TV boxes. Because those file manager or file explore applications are designed to work with touch screen. Therefore, you have to choose File explorer that was specially designed to work with Android TV remote.

Why do you need file manger on your Android TV box? You can delete unwanted apps from app manger. App manager available on all Android TV boxes as a default feature. Using that you can manage all your apps and games easily. But File manger is a separate application used to manage your files. Android TV boxes has very little storage space compared to phones. Therefore, managing files is very important.

This File Explore does not have junk removing features. So as with every other file explorer. You can use Clean Master, NOX Cleaner, CCleaner, AVG Cleaner to clean all your junks. Then you can use this file manager to remove unwanted downloaded files, photos, videos, movies and etc. to have more storage space.

FX File Explorer is the best Android TV File manager. FX File manger was built to make working with Files on your Android TV box much easier that before. Has nice and interactive interface.

Features of FX File Explorer

Multiple window – Dual view mode helps to see two windows at once. Copy, pasting or moving files make much easier. Explorer two different locations without closing second window.

Support File archive formats – Support Zip, tar, rar and many file archives formats. Therefore, no need extract archives before passing them to Android TV.

Usage View – This view shows file size and content makeup of every folder when you navigate.

No advertisements – There are no advertisement to annoy or distract you.

No tracking – This app will not track you for advertisements.

Share files – You can share files between different devices. You can share files from your computer directly to your Android TV box using FX File Explorer. Also, you can share files on your Android TV box to your computer too.

Support cloud storages – No need to install separate cloud storage applications on your Android TV box. Some Cloud Storage services does not have Android TV application too. You can use this file manager to connect and explore files on your cloud storage. Currently support Google Drive, Dropbox, SugarSync, Box, SkyDrive, and OwnCloud.

Image Viewer – This explorer comes with nice and easy to use image viewer. Image viewer helps to browser through your images easily.

Media Player – Play your media content using the built-in player. Watch Movies, TV shows easily with this media player.

There are lots of awesome features that are not mentioned here. You can find those features by yourself after install this application. You can download this application of free from Google Play Store TV, Filelinked or Aptoide TV. This app also available for Android phones too. If your Android phone does not have play store application you can use AC Market or Aptoide.

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