Differences between Church Pulpit and Church Lecterns

While talking about church furniture, there are certain pieces which are must in a church. Some of those are pews, pulpits, and lecterns. Now, pews are the seating arrangement in the church, while pulpit and lectern often considered relatives. Actually, many people think that these two pieces of furniture are kind of the same, but that is not true. The pulpit for church is completely different than a lectern in the church. Today, you will get to know a bit more about these two types of church furniture and thus, you can find out the differences quite easily. Read on to know more-

A Brief Introduction to Church Pulpits

The church pulpit is the speaker’s stand in the church which is used to deliver a sermon to the congregations. Usually, the ministers and the patrons often deliver their speech to the people from the pulpits. It is not like a podium, but a surrounded piece of furniture where the speaker has to step on to a platform while speaking. The traditional pulpits were used to be quite large so that it can hide the speaker enough and it seemed that the words are coming directly from the Almighty. The traditional pulpits were made of wood, marble and other stones. Today, the styles of pulpits have been changed and also those have become quite modish and attractive. Wooden pulpits are still popular, while the acrylic pulpits are getting famous nowadays because of the sleek design and stylish features. You can also find metal pulpits today. The pulpit is always placed on the left-hand side inside the church and it is on the gospel side.

A Brief Introduction to Church Lecterns

The word ‘lectern’ has come from a Latin word, ‘Lectus’ which means ‘to read. The appearance of the lectern is completely different than pulpits. The lectern is also like a speaker stand with a slightly slanted platform so that the orator can read scripts, by keeping those on the lectern. Usually, lecterns are smaller than pulpits and it is placed on the right side of the church, specifically on the epistle side. Lecterns are mainly of wood, but today, one can find plexiglass lecterns, acrylic lecterns, etc.

So, here you get a few differences between these two types of furniture in the church. The price of these furniture depends on size, quality, and styles. You can buy from online or from any furniture shop.

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