Melasma (Darkening Of Skin): What You Should Know About It

A condition in which area of the skin becomes dark than the surrounding skin, melasma is also known as hyperpigmentation. The area where this usually occurs is the face, forehead, cheeks and above upper lips. A person suffering from this condition has the black spots on face nearly of identical patterns.

These patches rarely occur on the other sun-exposed areas of the body. Talking about the cause then hormonal changes are considered the cause and melasma occur much more often in women than in men. “Mask of pregnancy” it is most common in pregnancy and this ends up until pregnancy ends. A most important factor in the development of melasma is exposure to the sun.

There are some medicines that can make you sensitive to the sun and this can result in increasing the risk of melasma. Cosmetic medicines that are used to treat ovarian or thyroid problem are some that can be a risk factor for melasma patients.

Medications and proper precautions are ways to prevent the risk of such skin conditions. Medicines are nowadays easily available at online stores where there is no need of going out for prescribed medicines. Canada pharmacy is one among these pharmacies that make all medicines available at your doorsteps at the low price.

Let’s have a look at the symptoms of this skin problem. Darker patches on forehead, temples, cheeks and upper lips, these symptoms do not make the patient feel ill or the skin sore. Dermatologist examines the skin and diagnoses melasma. Using a special lamp to see the depth of skin discolorations also works for the doctor to diagnose this condition as this lamp gives off ultraviolet rays for the proper diagnosis.

Some conditions like melasma in pregnancy are common so expected duration is until the pregnancy ends. If suffering from melasma then never stops taking medications and protect skin from the sun, patches gradually disappear over months and in some patients, the spots never disappear completely. Some protection tips that help in the prevention of melasma.

  • Best way to prevent melasma is avoiding the exposure to the sun
  • If you go out in the sun then have some precautions, wear a hat with a brim to shade your face.
  • Use a sunscreen that protects you against UV rays.

Treatment of melasma is stabilizing hormones, women who consume contraceptive or go for hormonal replacement therapy often see patches fade once they stop taking medicines. Medicines are also there that fades the dark spots.

  • Azelaic acid cream that works on slowing down the production of pigments and this helps in making melasma patches to fade quickly.
  • Hydroquinone cream helps in taking out that pigment which is responsible for making skin dark.
  • Chemical peel also works as this is applied to the skin to provide a mild chemical burn which is similar to a sunburn. When the skin burns then it leaves the fresh new skin. This process varies in strength and this method is picked when others do not work to treat melasma.

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