The Top Ways To Irrigate Your Lawn

A homeowner wants their lawn to be lush and green. In some places where there is a dry climate, it is hard to make sure the lawn gets enough water naturally. These are some lawn irrigation tips to water the lawn without wasting water.

Water During the Morning Hours

In the morning the temperature is cooler and this will reduce evaporation. The ground will be cooler during the hotter parts of the day. This is better for the grass. If a person cannot water in the morning the next best time is the later afternoon. If a person wats their gas at night it will stay wet and has the chance of getting a disease or fungus.

Soaking the Soil

A person should water their lawn long enough to allow the water to soak 6 inches down into the soil. This will help improve the heat of the roots. It will take around an inch of water for it to reach that level. After watering the lawn a person should try to penetrate it with a screwdriver. If it can reach six inches down than the lawn is properly watered. If not, the lawn is going to need more water.

Use Pulsating Sprinklers

A person should check out the built-in lawn sprinkler systems. They are more efficient at water the grass. If a person does not have a built-in system they can use a pulsating system. The sprinkler will shoot the water upward at a high velocity. It will not be affected by the wind and will be able to reach the grass. A person should be careful when they are growing new grass. The new grass is delicate and the sprinkler may be too much for it to handle.

Water Twice a Week

Most people water their lawn too often. The lawn can get very moist and fungus can begin to grow. A person should water their lawn every three to seven days during the summer months. If it rains a person can sip the next watering.


If a person is allowing the sprinkler to run on its own it is easy to forget that it is turned on. There is a timer that can be set up on the hose. Once the water goes on for a specific time the timer will turn the water off. This will make sure the lawn does not get too much water and a person does not forget they are watering their lawn.

Water or Do Not Water

If a person does not want to water their lawn they do not have to. The lawn will last during the winter and the grass will not be harmed. If a person does not water then allow the lawn to go dominate this can lead to problems. If a person waters their lawn for a month and then stops this can lead to problems as well and will stress out the grass. If a person is going to water their lawn they need to be committed to it to keep the grass healthy.

These are some lawn irrigation tips to help a person make sure they are watering their lawn properly. If the lawn does not get enough water it can be dry. If the lawn gets too much water this can lead to other problems. A person can use these tips to make sure their lawn is getting the right amount of water and it can be lush and green.

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