Upgrade Your Poker Experience With These Guide

Whether you are new in playing poker or not, it can be easy to overlook and forget some aspects of the game. Thus, here are some tips on how you can get the most out of your every session.

Fish Supper

Do not go after the gutshot draws. You will not get the right pot odds and you will not hit one of the four outs.

Patience is Essential

In the game of poker like domino qiu qiu, patience is important. Know how to lay down hands even though it’s one of the strong hands. Wait for the best spot. The top kicker or top pair would rarely become the winning hand, especially is someone has pushed the chips in the middle.

Avoid the Big Slick

Make sure not to overplay A-K. Indeed, it’s a big hand yet it is still a drawing hand. You are an underdog against a smaller pair like 8-8. When you play it against two lower cards, for example, Q-J, you will be 2/1 at best.

Specialize in One Format

Before trying other techniques, make sure that you master one format first. The Sit and Go tournaments are inexpensive. However, it is realistic and one of the best places to learn without blowing your entire bankroll in a few hands like you can in a no-limit cash table.


Make sure that you don’t forget to cash-out. It is good to build up your bankroll. However, it will mean nothing if you do not enjoy the fruits of your hard work from time to time.

Lose Gracefully

Know how to deal with bad times and bad beats. This can happen from time to time. However, the best players know how to accept their fate and move on.

Determine When to Stop

If you go on tilt, learn how to get out quickly. Turn off your computer and do everything so you can leave the game. Do this before you blow all your money.

Avoid Playing Too High

Make sure that you play with the amount of money that you are willing to lose at domino qiuqiu. If you play above your means, it will make you worried about bursting out. This will affect your decision-making. In the long run, it can screw with your natural game. If you join a no-limit cash table, your buy-in should represent not more than 5% of your entire bankroll. With this, even if you lose, it will not affect you too much.

Learn to Let Go

Do not get too attached with your favorite hands. Just because you flopped in a straight flush with only 3-5 once, does not mean that it is already a must-play hand.

Small Fry

For small pairs, if you are playing 1 on 1 or whenever you are short-stacked, make sure to play them hard. However, if you are on a full table in early position, one way to have your 2-2 win is whenever everyone folds. This is also true when you flop a set. This will require a lot of limpers at 7.5/1 to have to correct pot odds.

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