What is the Best Option for Online Tax Filing

The online tax declaration is required year after year and is almost compulsory in 2020. We take stock of the conditions to be respected for those who prefer the paper declaration as well as the risks and fines incurred.

Why is the online tax return compulsory?

The government had presented the obligation to declare online as a preparation for withholding tax. In practice, this also facilitates the processing of tax returns. It is the taxpayer who enters the boxes electronically rather than a public service official. This is one of the reasons why taxpayers who file online have more time than those who file on paper. On the practical side, the taxpayer can consult all his old tax notices or old tax returns in a few clicks. He also has the possibility of correcting the declaration several times and several months after the seizure. You can visit taxfyle.com for finding the best options for the tax filing.

Can you declare your tax using the paper form in 2020?

The paper tax return remains possible in 2020 under certain conditions. To understand correctly, it should be noted that in May 2020 the income that we received in 2019 is declared.

The condition for being able to continue to declare via the paper form in 2020 no longer depends on the reference tax income. Before, the tax return reference had to be below a threshold in order to be able to declare your tax in paper format. For a year now, the online tax declaration has been compulsory for everyone, regardless of the reference tax income. Fortunately, there are still a few exceptions.

Can you declare in paper format if you do not have internet or a bad connection?

A tolerance is also applied for those who do not know how to use the Internet (disabled people, invalids, etc.). There is even a text where the tax authorities indicate that: “if you feel that you are unable to do so, you can continue to use a paper declaration” which suggests a certain margin of maneuver and many people will be able to continue to use a paper form. Note also that children who leave home or anyone who makes their first declaration must use the paper form.

Please note, taxpayers must inform the tax authorities in advance of the fact that they do not have the possibility of accessing the internet or that they meet a condition allowing the declaration to be sent in paper format. Just attach a word or indicate it on the tax return.

What are the risks if you report taxes on paper when you exceed the income limit?

The fine provided for is fixed and is € 15 per declaration or annex. In other words, a person who does not respect the obligation of electronic declaration and who has, for example, 3 forms to fill, is exposed to a 45 € fine. This sanction can happen if and only if you fail to report online twice.

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