What to consider while purchasing poker chips?

There are many websites which people can use to play Judi Poker Online and other poker variants. The websites consist of a lot of games and people can choose the one which is easy to play. People need to buy chips if they are playing cash games as most casinos do not allow people to use cash while playing. There are many kinds of chips available and people can use them in casinos and at home also. In this article, we will deal with the things which people need to consider while purchasing chips.


The first thing that people need to consider is the number of chips that they need to buy. The chips are available in the set of 100 and 1000. People can also buy individual chips but buying a set is more economical. People need to buy a good quantity of chips so that they can cover all the players who play the game. In the case of tournaments, people need to buy one stack per player. Along with this, extra stacks should also be bought as a replacement. People need to calculate the number of chips to be bought.

Weight of the chips

The next thing that people have to consider is the weight of the chips. Chips that are light in weight are cheaper than the heavyweight ones. One drawback of the lightweight chips is that they are not durable. Heavyweight chips can be used for a long time. People who have the plan of hosting different types of games need to purchase heavyweight chips as it may be initially expensive but in the long run, they do not have to buy the chips again and again. The weight of the heavyweight chips ranges between 7 grams and 14 grams.

Design of the chips

Poker chips are available in various designs and these are as follows.

Standard design

Many types of designs can be found on power chips and people have the option to buy these pre-designed chips. If people want to customize the design, they need to pay a higher price for the same.


People have the option to purchase stickers of round shapes and stick them on the chips. Blank chip stickers are also available which people can use to customize. People need to buy the chips having recessed centre so that stickers can be easily placed on them.

Stamping with gold and silver

People can stamp the chips with gold and silver. Such stamping can be done if the chips have a solid colour. People usually use a dollar sign on the chips.

Engraved poker chips

If chips are engraved with designs, sneaking can be reduced. People have the option to tell the manufacturers about the image or the letter that they want to engrave on individual chips.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the things which people can consider while purchasing chips and while playing games from online websites like Judi Poker online. All these things will help them to purchase the chips at an economical rate, Weight, colour; stickers are some of the things to be considered.

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